Thursday, February 8, 2018

I have just the ticket

Following today's second training run, I will be going to the Opening Ceremonies. They have a bus leaving from Jeongseon to head into PyeongChang. It is going to be awesome, cold but awesome.

When I received my ticket, they also sent us an email basically saying - wear everything you brought because it is going to be freezing

It also went to on describe a rather lengthy process to find our bus after the ceremonies to get back to Jeongseon. That was a key piece of information.

While here, we all have been issued new Samsung Galaxy Note8 phones - the Olympic edition.

 It comes pre-programmed with all of our numbers so I can at least call someone to say 'I have no idea where I am' if I get lost.

BTW the phone is just a loaner while I am here. Not a souvenir.   : (



  1. Great opening ceremonies. Very impressive lighting of the Olympic torch. Our small gathering of 5 of us thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and more so knowing you were there. Cheers.

  2. Great opening ceremonies. Very impressive lighting of the Olympic torch. Our small gathering of 5 of us thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and more so knowing you were there. Cheers.
