Thursday, February 8, 2018

Korea is a high tech country - no butts about it

Olympics Games and World's Fairs (not sure if they still do those) are an opportunity for the host nation to show off its capabilities - South Korea is very much a technology driven nation. Hyundai is planning to have driverless cars available for use during these games.

The new hotel (Jeongseon Park Roche) we are staying in also is 'exposing' everyone to new technology - that of electronic toilet seats.  On the top is a button that I can understand...

but then the panel uses pictures for those of us who do not understand Korean for other button functions......

Suffice it to say, the RED button does stop any functions you weren't expecting!
But wait, there is more - this toilet takes toilet technology to an even higher level. If you open the front panel, it exposes (there is that word again), a whole new set of buttons.
I have no idea what they do  - but if you are interested, you can google Vovo...


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